Global investor database
Utilising our extensive database of 65,000 researched contacts to connect with corporate governance, institutional (buy and sell side) and debt contacts across global institutions.

Meeting management
Record all of your investor meetings, or any type of interaction with stakeholders, with the built-in ability to export Outlook calendar invitations.

Blast emails
Send and record investor communications directly to your selected group of contacts to share company updates and news.

Investor targeting
View aggregated fund flow data, and compare your company’s investor holdings to indices & sectors. Understand investor/fund holdings globally, by region or specific peers based on publicly available information.
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Manage consensus
Access equity research, comprehensive estimates and analyst recommendations through a secure single sign-on process.

Global investor database
Utilising our extensive database of 65,000 researched contacts to connect with corporate governance, institutional (buy and sell side) and debt contacts across global institutions.

Meeting management
Record all of your investor meetings, or any type of interaction with stakeholders, with the built-in ability to export Outlook calendar invitations.

Investor targeting
View aggregated fund flow data, and compare your company’s investor holdings to indices & sectors. Understand investor/fund holdings globally, by region or specific peers based on publicly available information.
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